Forever, Corn-Bred, Ombe- Three Performance Poems
Location: McKenzie Art Gallery, Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Date: February 2020
Photo Credits: Tenille Campbell, Sweetmoon Photography

As Above- The hearts that hold the hands that grows the love sits silent on horizons natural as above so below tell me your story I want to know

Home As Vehicle- Home as vehicle a ship to fly out into space a place to speak with ancestors who offer your questions back to you where coincidence is not lost on you a return trip you never knew you booked

Isolated- We are writing history we are new and isolated humans cultivated through colonization conection is weak compared to action
Glimmering James
Location: Insitute of American Indian Art, Santa Fe New Mexico
Date: August 2018
Photo Credits: AJ Goldman

NDN Radio- That voice those sounds so quick to hit me where we live songs of experience familiar artists local vocal warm and friendly NDN radio saying everything audio sovereignty celestial territory tune in

A Strong Sun- A strong sun of courage crosses your open heart you feel warm affections cold cleaned by inspirations courage enough to know yourself

Back into Ourselves- From dark abandoned rooms thick kenopsia resides echoes of tiny voices stuck in corners fear quieted by memory offerings our stories, our stories of stars brings us back into ourselves.
Location: Royal British Columbia Museum
Year: 2016
Photo Credits RBCM

Faceless- Has the over saturation of images made us faceless like the medicine doll in love with her own reflection ego taking over ego taking quite the beating my mouth not saying my meaning trying to keep from jumping but trying is not doing

In the Future- In the future my hands are too busy to give thanks and I have forgotten what my feet look like we have no more mothers only waste relationships to ponder cracks to cover and the guns

We Survived- We survived our won crytstal ball visions The ones where heaven became the goal we left ghosts inside a broken world they want to stay and call it home we knew nothing of this place